28 June 2009


Gone are the days I'd repeatedly watch the 'Black and White' music video and envy over his and Macaulay's friendship. Or wish I was the girl in 'The Way You Make Me Feel' music video. ANDDD make videos of myself singing 'You Are Not Alone' at the age of six.

You will be terribly missed MJ, your music lives in us all. And yes I chucked an LJM and compiled a playlist of my favourite songs by him :)

1958 - 2009

On a sidenote - I had an awesome weekend! On Friday I saw Transformers with Marie - I have to say ... the sequel was rather disappointing. Desipte the amazing visual effects and Megan Fox's undescribable beauty, it was just ... average. I must admit I was out for about 15 minutes, I only woke up when the audience laughed at something hilarious. After the movie I swung past Jana's place, grabbed some food and left. Haha kidding, the steak was awesome.

SATURDAY ♥ Worked during the day. Went home, slept from 3-7ish. Then we went clubbing. In all honesty I suspected a fail night ahead, but you know the idea how you feel like you're having a shit time, but when it's over, it actually turned out good? Yeah, it was that. Excuse my lack of skills in prose, but I've need not used any Advanced English skills in eight months. but most importantly, I loved the weekend :)

I'm out x.

1 comment:

  1. omg come to soho again this fri for lora and i's birthday denyse!
